Test Your Home Improvement IQ With This Quiz

Jane Douglass June 1, 2018

Do you watch house-flipping TV shows? Are you embarking on a major remodel for the first time? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this quiz is for you.

Which Home Improvements Have the Biggest ROI?

If you’re not in your forever home, it’s a good idea to consider the resale value of common home updates. Take this quiz to test your home improvement IQ before picking up a sledgehammer. The latest findings may surprise you!

Which HIGH-END addition has a better return?

Which replacement is a bigger bang for your buck?

Which MIDRANGE remodel is a better ROI?

Which outdoor addition has a better return?

Which update is better for resale value?

You’re Almost There!

Remodeling ROI isn’t always intuitive. To see bigger returns, you may want to research your options before doing a home update. You can find the latest remodeling cost data here.

You’re a Pro!

Estimating remodeling ROI isn’t easy, but you have great judgment. For an even deeper dive, you can find the latest remodeling cost data here.










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